Search Results

View overlooking the town and Bluestone River.

601. Aerial View of Bellepoint, W. Va.

Train tracks head toward the mountain which divides Virginia and West Virginia.

602. Alleghany Station Looking East at the Summit of the Alleghany Mountains, Alleghany, Va.

Looking at the station building from below at the tracks.

603. Passenger Station in Beckley, W. Va.

The river and dam construction seen in the distance.

604. View Overlooking Bluestone River and Dam Construction, Summers County, W. Va.

The dam gates are closed either for inspection of a body search. Unidentified persons roam around the rocky surface below the dam.

605. Bluestone Dam With Gates Shut, Summers County, W. Va.

An unidentified man sits along the beam supporting the pump.

606. Bluestone Dam Pump, Summers county, W. Va.

Crawford hanging on rope held by pulley system on the side of the dam.

607. Robin Crawford Climbing Up Side of Bluestone Dam, Summers County, W. Va.

The bridge was formerly known as "Bluestone High Bridge" before its name was changed to what it is today. The structure stands tall over the river.

608. Lilly Bridge Over Bluestone River, Summers County, W. Va.

The bridge's name was later changed to "Lilly Bridge".

609. Bluestone High Bridge in Distance Spanning Mouth of Bluestone River, Summers County, W. Va.

Parts of the bridge are pictured in the Bluestone River waters below.

610. Bluestone High Bridge After Falling, Summers County, W. Va.

The tall support structure is covered by construction beams.

611. Bluestone Bridge Under Construction at Mouth of Bluestone River, Summers County, W. Va.

Man in the center is Luther Greene. His associates are unidentified.

612. Three Men on First Bluestone River Bridge Construction, Summers County, W. Va.