Search Results

The crew on board is Phil Grove (engineer), Ralph "Gabe" Bostic (brakeman) and Clarence Mason (fireman). The train passed the bridge at approximately 12:25 p.m. that day.

829. First Train to Cross New Railroad Bridge in Lowell, W. Va.

Workers pictured lined across the top of the bridge. Subjects unidentified.

830. Newly Constructed Bridge in Lowell, W. Va.

View looking through the line of workers to the other end of the bridge in the town of Lowell. Subjects unidentified.

831. Lowell Bridge, Summers County, W. Va.

A group of unidentified workers are pictured beside construction equipment.

832. Railroad Bridge Trestle Under Construction in Forest Hill District, Summers County, W. Va.

From left to right is Harry Lee (holding his daught, Lucy), Lum Bennett, Emmitt Crotty, Cap. Starrett Moore, John Dobbins, John Wilt, Mark Perkins, and Mitchell Dilly.

833. Sewell Valley Passenger Train Operating Between Rainelle, W. Va. and Meadow Creek, W. Va.

Nineteen Cars derailed, spilling it's contents at the M. D. Cabin.Pictured is engineer E. V. Rogers, conductor R. B. Tinsley, fireman E. W. Gwinn, and rear brakeman Carlos Garten examining the damage.

834. Train Wreck at Meadow Creek, W. Va.

View of the damage when nineteen cars derailed. A crane is pictured in the background, perhaps prepared to lift the tipped cars.

835. Wreck at Meadow Creek, W. Va.

View of the building from across the tracks. The lead track behind the cabin leads to the interchange yard.

836. C. & O. Cabin at Meadow Creek, W. Va.

C. & O. cars line along the tracks that run through the coal town.

837. Chesapeake and Ohio Train Carrying Coal from McDonald Colliery Company in McDonald, W. Va.

C. & O. Railway tracks pictured beside the small buildings.

838. McKendree Station Looking West, Fayette County, W. Va.

A group of unidentified persons stands outside the building located beside the tracks.

839. Pence Springs Stock Yards Building, Summers County, W. Va.

An old automobile sits at the bottom of the station building. Unidentified men are pictured in the surrounding area.

840. Pence Springs Station, Summers County, W. Va.