Search Results

1. Main Circulation Desk, Wise Library, West Virginia University

Photo taken from station porch, co-eds in view.

2. Students Leaving Chapel Held in Commencement Hall, West Virginia University

'Where he smiled.'

3. Waitman Barbe Under Campus Maple, West Virginia University

WVU Commencement Hall decorated with potted flowers and plants, garlands of lights, swags of fabrics and bows; on the backdrop the U.S. Flag and unidentified flag spread.  The Banner over the flags and a centerpiece of lights reads CORPS OF CADETS.

4. Commencement Hall Stage Set up for Graduation of Corps of Cadets, West Virginia University

5. Corps of Cadets Muster in front of the Agricultural Experiment Station, West Virginia University

6. Corps of Cadets Muster in front of the Agricultural Experiment Station, West Virginia University

Cadet officers pose in front of Woodburn Hall.

7. Corps of Cadets Officers, West Virginia University

A family portrait of A.D. Hopkins.  A.D. Hopkins is the third from the left. Hopkins was an entomologist at WVU in the 1890's.

8. A. D. Hopkins and Family, West Virginia University

Farm buildings can be seen on hill in distance.

9. Garden on Unidentified Farm

10. Large Ivy Covered Farm House Near Harper's Ferry, W. Va.

11. Just Completed Bridge to South Park, Morgantown, W. Va.

Woodburn Hall before wings were added to it.

12. Woodburn Circle, Morgantown, W. Va.