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Launching set for towboat "Indiana" built by The Charles Ward Engineering Works in Charleston, West Virginia.

73. Christening Party at Launching of Towboat 'Indiana', Kanawha River, W. Va.

200'-0" towboat "Indiana"-hull 83, built by The Charles Ward Engineering Works in Charleston, West Virginia.

74. Towboat 'Indiana' on Kanawha River, W. Va.

Towboat "James Rumsey" built by The Charles Ward Engineering Works in Charleston, West Virginia.

75. Towboat 'James Rumsey', Kanawha River, W. Va.

The "Wild Goose" towboat pictured in a winter setting, was powered by steam stern wheel and built by The Charles Ward Engineering Works in Charleston, West Virginia.

76. Towboat, 'Wild Goose', Kanawha River, W. Va.