Search Results

Engraving of Brig. Gen. James Shields from photo by Brady.

877. Shields, Brigadier General James

Engraving of General Daniel E. Sickles.

878. Sickles, General Daniel E.

Engraving of Major General Franz Sigel.  G.P. Putnam.

879. Sigel, Major General Franz

Engraving of Brig. Gen. J.W. Sill.

880. Sill, Brigadier General J. W.

Engraving of General George Stoneman.

881. Stoneman, General George

Engraving of General J.E.B. Stuart.

882. Stuart, General J. E. B.

Engraving of Major General H.W. Slocum.

883. Slocum, Major General H. W.

Engraving of Read Admiral S.H. Stringham, U.S.N. from photograph by Brady

884. Stringham, Rear Admiral S.H.

Engraving of Lt. Gen. Winfield Scott.  Engraved for the Rebellion Record.  New York G.P. Putnam.

885. Scott, Lieutenant General Winfield

General Robert E. Lee sitting on his beloved horse Traveller.

886. Lee, General Robert E.

Portrait of Colonel John Higginbotham of Buckhannon.

887. Higginbotham, Colonel John

Greenbrier, White Sulpher Springs, West Virginia.  Standing:  General John W. Geary, General John B. Magruder, General Robert D. Lilley, General P.G.T. Beauregard, General Lewis Wallace, General Henry A. Wise, General Joseph L. Brent, General James Connor.  Sitting down:  Blacgue Bey, General R.E. Lee, George Peabody, W.W. Corcoran, James Lyons.

888. Soldiers and Citizens; Robert E. Lee with Former Union and Confederate Leaders