Search Results

'These unidentified coal miners are shown walking out of the Cannelton No. 8 mine in Fayette County, W. Va., Thursday night. They are among the members of the United Mine Workers who began a nationwide strike at 12:01 a.m. EST Friday. (AP Laserphoto) (jwr6040mbrCNDM/Craig Cunningham) (1981) (See AP wire story PM-UMW Strike, Bjt.)'

4177. On Strike, Cannelton, W. Va.

'Coal miner Harmon Neal, an electrician at the Cannelton No. 8 mine in Fayette County, West Virginia, takes off his coat at the mine's lamp house Thursday night. Neal was leaving work to join fellow members of the United Mine Workers union, which began a nationwide strike at 12:01 a.m. Friday. (AP Laserphoto) (hwr6040mbrCNDM/Craig Cunningham) (1981) (See AP wire story PM-UMW Strike, Bjt.)'

4178. Leaving Work, Cannelton, W. Va.

'The last shift of miners to work prior to the United Mine Workers strike, walk out of the Flat Gap mine near Norton Virginia, Thursday. The workers of the Flat Gap mine joined 10,500 active Virginian UMW members in a strike against the Soft Coal Operators. (AP Laserphoto) (sh60500stf-sh) 81 SLUG: VIRGINIA MINES.'

4179. Last Shift, Norton, Va.

'A coal train snakes around the front of waiting coal cars at the rail yards near downtown Norton Virginia, Friday. Despite the UMW coal miner strike, non union mines in the south West Virginia area continued operation Friday without any interference. (AP Laserphoto) (sh61900stf-sh)81 SLUG:VIRGINIA MINES.'

4180. Moving Coal, Norton, Va.

'These snow covered coal cars from West Virginia look like they might be harbingers of weather headed for Roanoke. These Norfolk and Western coal cars are in holding yards in Roanoke waiting for delivery. Since they came from the west and the Weather Service is predicting a chance of snow hitting Roanoke from the West on Wednesday, they might just be advanced warning. (dd31400doughtie/mbr)1981 AP.'

4181. Advance Warning of Snow, Roanoke, Va.

'A brakeman rides a coal car up an incline to the dumping area where the coal will be loaded onto the Greek freighter in the background. Pennsylvania mine operators have found it difficult to move their coal to the lucrative foriegn markets because of problems with the railroad system and the jammed port of Philadelphia. (AP Laserphoto) (chm31721stf-murray) 1981 Slug Words: Moving Coal.'

4182. Coal Loading, Philadelphia, Pa.

'Sam Church, center, president of the United Mine Workers; flanked by Wilbert Killion, left, vice president; and Harrison Combs, general counsel, meets with the 39 member bargaining counsel Tuesday in Washington. Church is seeking approval of the tentative contract agreed upon Monday morning with the soft coal industry. (AP Laserphoto) (see APAAA wire story) (tm31053stf/schwarz) 1981.'

4183. UMWA President Meets With Bargaining Counsel in Washington, D.C.

'Sam Church, president of the United Mine Workers, right, sits across the bargaining table from B.R. 'Bobby' Brown, president, Consol. Coal Co. and chief negotiator for the soft coal industry as contract talks resume Monday in Washington. The negotiators are battling a midnight deadline in the search for a tentative contract settlement in hopes of averting a nationwide strike. (AP Laserphoto_ (see AP AAA wire story0 9tim21205stf/daugherty) 1981 slug : Coal Talks.'

4184. Coal Talks, Washington, D.C.

Troops were commanded by Gen. Bandholtz.

4185. U.S. Troops at Hewitt Creek, Near Jeffery, Boone County, W. Va.

Union miners evicted by Liberty Fuel Co. 'White building on the right background was store where child lost hand to blasting cap-now site of post office. (L. Birurakis account 12/21/1992) Buildings on left still standing.'<br /><br />

4186. Union Miners Evicted By Liberty Fuel Company

Miners and their belongings line the street below company houses.

4187. Union Miners Evicted by Liberty Fuel Company

'Do Not Copy.'  Armed soldiers pass in front of Boone Mine No. 12.

4188. Soldier on Guard at Beech Creek Mine of Boone Co. Coal Corp.