Search Results

Boys eating between-meal snack.

45673. Monongalia County 4-H Club

45674. 4-H Club Canning, Upshur County, W. Va.

A young boy hangs signs after a craft.  The signs read "A 4-H Club Member Lives Here."

45675. Monongalia County 4-H Club Boy Hanging Signs

Johnny Parks, winner of the contest, demonstrates his method.

45676. 4-H Club Chicken Barbecue Contest Winner, Grant County, W. Va.

45677. 4-H Club Farm and Home Management

Tree conservation project displayed by Richard Johnson.

45678. 4-H Club Conservation Project

45679. 4-H Club Livestock Marketing Program, Greenbrier County, W. Va.

R.J. Friant, Extension agronomist, WVU, discussed the results of the 1955 contest at Vo-ag Room, Clay High School, where second place award was given to Howard Fitzwater.

45680. West Virginia Hybrid Corn Yield Contest

Display featuring trees, fruits, and wildflowers found in West Virginia.

45681. 4-H Club West Virginia Trees and Fruits Display

45682. Monongalia 4-H Club Cottage

45683. Taylor County 4-H Camp Cooks

Text on the back reads: " 'C' Runway - from south side of runway at Station 25 and 50 - to east. Fill and 'cuts' to bring runway to grade - note grade poles."

45684. Construction of the Morgantown Municipal Airport, Morgantown, W. Va.