Search Results

Coca Cola Bottling Works at the corner of Clay and Wharf Street.

1. Coca Cola Bottling Works, Morgantown, W. Va.

2. Horse Drawn Coca-Cola Delivery Wagon, Morgantown, W. Va.

3. Coca-Cola Distributor Building in Washington County, PA

4. Flat Bed Truck in front of Coca-Cola Bottle Company in Steubenville, O.H.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren, p. 678, vol. 2. The Raleigh Coca-Cola Bottling Works was located on 700 S. Oakwood Avenue in Beckley, W. Va.

5. Raleigh Coca-Cola Bottling Works, Beckley W. Va.

6. Dr. Pepper Building, Charleston, W. Va.