Search Results

None of the members of the family are identified.

421. Family Portrait, Fairmont, W. Va.

Postcard photograph, pictured: William McKin, Daniel Johnson, Russel Westfall, Kemitt Burton, Harry Scott, Helen Newman, and Alta Talkington

422. Group Portrait of Older Children; Lewis Co., W. Va.

Pictured: Top middle: Troy Riggs; Front Left: Guy Ball, other men not identified.

423. Guy Ball, Troy Riggs and Friends, Lewis Co., W. Va.

Guy Ball: third from right holding rope, others not identified.

424. Crew of Pittsburgh and West Virginia Gas Company, Lewis County, W. Va.

Top to bottom: Ed Ball, Hazel Ball, Mary Knight Ball.

425. Members of Ball Family, Lewis County, W. Va.

C.W. Lynch and the Lockery girls and (?) Lynch

426. C.W. Lynch and the Lockery Girls of Clarksburg, W. Va

Back row: Dickie Rogers, Ira Brock, Max Chalfont (teacher), Janna Rogers, Goldie Brock, Joe Hirenbaugh; Front row: John Brewer, Kent Sine, Harry Husk, Wilder Rice, Robert Sine, Annie Laurie Sine, Ralph Husk, Hazeltone Sine, Delilah Sine, Myrtle Rogers. Photo labeled: Sara Scott

427. Kings Run School; Blacksville, W. Va.

Dr. Earl Core is seated on the right.

428. Dr. Earl Core and Two Unidentified Men, Monongalia County, W. Va.

From left to right: W.A.N., Stuckey, Snider, Youry, and Sang

429. Five Men Leaning On Fence; Summers Co., W. Va.

From left to right: Aunt Ann, Mother, Father, James, Harry, Hale, Margaret, Mrs. Dyke, Grace(in window), Grandma, Anne, Daisy

430. Barger Springs Family Cottage; Greenbrier, W. Va.

Front: Hazel Eddy Berry, Ethel Eddy Tennant, Louie Eddy Haught. Back: Bridge Tennant, Blanche Eddy Cross, Adaline Varner Eddy Shriner

431. Group Portrait of Young Adults, Core, W. Va.

Two "woodhicks" or otherwise known as lumberjacks Okey Selmon and Boggs M. pose for the camera.

432. Two Woodhicks Get Their Pictures Taken