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Inscribed on the back; 'Charlie Ellison on top (in uniform), Bert Dunlap, Bill Dunlap, Bob Fleshman, Belle Dunlap, Elsie Dunlap, Clara Ellison, Gracie Pence, Jean Chaison, Fanny Young, Maggie Pence sitting between Ted Dunlap and Edith McNeer.'

1. Horse Drawn Float in Confederate Monument Dedication Parade, Union, W. Va.

2. Ohio Valley Trades and Labor Assembly Float in Labor Day Parade

3. Ohio Valley Trades and Labor Assembly Float in Labor Day Parade

A crowd gathers on the sidewalks as a float in the parade travels through the corner of Ballengee Street and 2nd Avenue.

4. Christmas Parade, Hinton, W. Va.

The sign on the side of the float reads, "Journey to the Inn, A. A., Y. M. C. A.". Unidentified man dressed as Joseph stands in the truck with palm trees and animals.

5. Y.M.C.A. Christmas Float, Hinton, W. Va.

Lost River State Park is located in Hardy County, West Virginia. Picture however likely taken at Camp Cranberry in Cowen, West Virginia.

6. Lost River State Park Float

Camp Cranberry, Company 525 F-13 was part of the Civilian Conservation Corps efforts between 1933 and 1942. Enrollees were assigned forestry service jobs as well as road construction jobs and telephone line building. The camp was named after the nearby Cranberry River.

7. Float Next to Old Railroad Engine at Camp Cranberry, Cowen, W. Va.

Three unidentified men dress up as the Three Wisemen.

8. Christmas Parade Float, Hinton, W. Va.

A sign on the side of the car reads, "Give a Pint--Save a Life". A hospital bed is set up on the truck.

9. Blood Drive Christmas Parade Truck, Hinton, W. Va.

Horses draped in Red Cross flags pull a cart covered in uniformed persons and decorated seats. The drug store is pictured in the background.

10. American Red Cross Parade Float in front of Rose's Drug Store, Hinton, W. Va.

Parade floats make their way down Temple Street.

11. World War I Victory Parade, Hinton, W. Va.

Uniformed soldiers and nurses sit in what appears to be a Red Cross parade float drawn by horses down Temple Street.

12. World War I Victory Parade Float, Hinton, W. Va.