Search Results

'Fun at Lair.' This is the old Mountainlair.

385. Students in the Mountainlair, West Virginia University

Group of parents getting tour of West Virginia University campus.

386. Parents Day, West Virginia University

A female and two males sit in White Front restaurant, which was located on Willey Street.

387. Students at the White Front Restaurant, West Virginia University

388. Interfraternity Chaplain's Council, West Virginia University

Members of the 1965 Student Court seated around a table.

389. Student Court, West Virginia University

Members of Student Court Officers meet casually: from left to right John Lukins, Chief Justice; Joanna Pitzer, Secretary; unknown; Steven Simms, Bailiff.

390. Student Court Officers, West Virginia University

WVU female members of Panhellenic organization gather informally.  They dress uniformly with white long sleeved top with a dark skirt and low flats.

391. Panhellenic Informal Gathering, West Virginia University

Executive Council of Associated Women Students pose for a photo op by lining up along the second floor railing of Elizabeth Moore Hall.  A uniform white is worn by all.

392. Executive Council of Associated Women Students, West Virginia University

Members of Judiciary Board of Associated Women Students pose for a group portrait.

393. Judiciary Board of Associated Women Students, West Virginia Univesity

394. Sorority House Presidents' Council, Associated Women Students, West Virginia University

Members of Program Board of Associated Women Students pose for a photo op in Elizabeth Moore Hall; white top and dark bottom are worn by all.

395. Associated Women Students Program Board, West Virginia University

396. Interfraternity Council Honor Court of West Virginia University