Search Results

An unidentified girl sits at a sewing machine.

73. Harrison County 4-H Campers in Sewing Center and 7. E. Building at Jackson's Mill State 4-H Camp, Lewis County, W. Va.

A group of unidentified men and women pose together for a group photo.

74. Leaders at a Girl's 4-H Camp in an Unidentified Location

A girl waits as her height is measured on the left, while her companion wait on a scale as her weight is being measured. A nurse in the background points to a series of letters to test eyesight. A young girl sitting on the right waits as her pulse is being taken. Subjects unidentified.

75. 4-H Health Group at an Unidentified Camp Location

A young man and woman are positioned on a stage. Subjects unidentified.

76. King and Queen at a Dairy Show in an Unidentified Location

A young girl and boy pose together for a photo. Subjects unidentified.

77. Members of the King and Queen Court at a Dairy Show in an Unidentified Location

Young girls carry the cape train as the health King and Queen proceed through the room.

78. A Procession of the Health King and Queen at a Dairy Show in an Unidentified Location

A young boy and girl sit together while posing for a photo.

79. Members of the Coronation Court Pose Sit Together on the Bleachers

The health King and Queen pose together on the stage. Subjects unidentified.

80. Health King and Queen at a Dairy Show in an Unidentified Location

Five unidentified women wash and brush the dairy cattle before the exhibition.

81. Women Bathing Cows before Dairy Show in an Unidentified Location

An unidentified boy and girl help each other bathe a cow.

82. Boy and Girl Washing a Cow at a Dairy Show in an Unidentified Location

A group lines up outside of the trailer, waiting to enter the exhibition.

83. Holstein Educational Exhibit Trailer at a Dairy Show in an Unidentified Location

A young man and woman laugh as they wash the cow.

84. A Couple Bathes a Cow at a Dairy Show in an Unidentified Location