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Built over a period of seven years, 1889-1896, the building project suffered many financial setbacks. A money gift from the Silas Curtis estate for whom the church is named, assured its final completion.

445. Side View of Curtis Freewill Baptist Church, Harpers Ferry, W. Va.

Portrait of West Virginia politician and industrialist Henry Gassaway Davis. Davis served as the state's United States senator 1871-1883.

446. Henry Gassaway Davis, 1823-1916

David was an older brother of basketball star Jerry West. He was awarded the Bronze Star for meritorious service after dragging a fellow soldier from a rice paddy after he was hit. David died in the Korean War at age 22 when Jerry was 12.

447. Sergeant David West in His Army Uniform

A group of men are gathered at a spring banquet held at Hotel Morgan after the West Virginia University basketball team was ranked No. 1 in the United States.In the front row, from left to right, is unidentified, Jerry West, Bobby Joe Smith, Ronnie Retton, Bucky Bolyard, Butch Gude, Jim Warren, and possibly Willie Akers.In the second row, from left to right, is athletic director Red Brown, basketball referee Red Mahalic, Jody Gardner, Loyd Sherer, Don Vincent, Whitie Guyme, team physician Dr. Sam Morris, Golf-pro Reggie Spencer, and Father Scott.In the third row, from left to right, is University of Pittsburgh basketball coach Doc Cartson, WVU head coach Fred Schaus, unidentified, the team's general manager Mr. Gwair, and unidentified.

448. Morgantown Touchdown Club Spring Banquet, Morgantown, W. Va.

David West, older brother of Jerry West was an outstanding student leader and athlete at East Bank High School.

449. East Bank High School Basketball Player David West, Kanawha County, W. Va.

Sculpted by Jamie Lester, the statue was unveiled February 14, 2007 and stands outside the West Virginia University Coliseum.

450. Jerry West Statue, Morgantown, W. Va.

Jerry West is second row from the top and first on the left. No others are identified.

451. Class Portrait Chelyan Junior High, Kanawha County, W. Va.

Chick Hearn called the play by play action during the Lakers broadcasts from 1965 until his death in 2002.

452. Jerry West and Lakers' Play by Play Announcer Chick Hearn

Jerry West presents the first annual Jerry West Scholarship to Kenneth Tawney of Spencer, W. Va. Tawney attended WVU, subsequently earning a law degree.

453. Awarding First Jerry West Scholarship

Ralph John lived with his parents just north of the West Virginia and Pennsylvania state line. He spend much of his leisure time visiting Morgantown and hunting in the West Virginia mountains. John joined the Army just before the United States entered the war and was in the second wave of the invasion of France, following D-Day June 6th, 1944.  Ralph John was killed in action near St Lo, France on August 15, 1944. He was 30 years old.

454. Ralph John of Mt. Morris, Greene County, PA

View looking at the building from across the tracks.

455. C. & O. Station at Admiralty and Post Office, Eccles, W. Va.

Five unidentified miners pose beside a truck loaded with coal.

456. Alaska Coal Company Miners Somewhere in Pennsylvania