Search Results

46777. Children on Orchard View Farm, St. Mary's, W. Va.

46778. Family Portrait, Eastern Panhandle of W. Va.

46779. Folding Stand on Bike Invented by Henry Arnison Hunter of Berkeley Springs, W. Va.

46780. Rumsey's Mill Stone of 1782, Berkeley Springs, Morgan County, W. Va.

From a drawing made by Henry Howe in 1843.

46781. Collodion Glass Plate Negative of Illustration of Residence of James Rumsey, Inventor of Steamboat, Shepherdstown, Jefferson County, W. Va.

46782. Collodion Glass Plate Negative of an Illustrated and Unidentified Man, Likely from Eastern Panhandle of W. Va.

46783. Farm Home on Eastern Panhandle of W. Va.

46784. Woman Leaning Against Fence Alongside Road, Somewhere in Eastern Panhandle of W. Va.

46785. Rumsey's Mill Stone of 1782, Berkeley Springs, Morgan County, W. Va.

"James Rumsey was the great originator of practical steam navigation. This buhr stone in bath square, Berkeley Springs, is, as yet, the only memorial to the world's great benefactor. Copyright by John Moray 1909."

46786. Rumsey's Mill Stone of 1782, Berkeley Springs, Morgan County, W. Va.

46787. Illustrated Portrait of James Rumsey, Inventor of First Steamboat

Owned at one time by Mrs. William Baker, Marble Hall was a large, private home built before the Civil War and located on Washington Street.

46788. Two Women Chat on Front Porch of Marble Hall, Berkeley Springs, Morgan County, W. Va.