Search Results

Students of Home Economics major spend six weeks in Home Management House to apply the skills and knowledge learned in the classroom in an actual home conditions.

2641. Home Economics Student Provides Tips on Reupholstering, West Virginia University

Students of Home Economics work in a modern, well-equipped lab.

2642. Home Economics Students in Modern Kitchen, West Virginia University

Students in the division of Military and Air Science and Tactics receive instruction on a typical Army radio set.

2643. Signal Corps Exhibit on AM-FM Radio, West Virginia University

Construction of bridges is a very important part of training Engineer military student's course.

2644. Corps of Engineers Bridge Exhibit, West Virginia University

Students of agricultural engineering under the joint supervision of the Colleges of Engineering and Agriculture work on constructing and assembling of a motor-driven irrigation in Soil and Water Conservation Lab.

2645. Agricultural Engineering Students Setting up Irrigation Equipment, West Virginia University

Students attaches pump to milk cows in the dairy farm lab.

2646. Milking Time at the Dairy Husbandry Farm, West Virginia University

2647. Agriculture Professor Instructs a Student on the Proper Handling of Poultry, West Virginia University

Students engage in making crafts in one of school provided recreational programs.

2648. Arts and Crafts Activities, West Virginia University

Spring athletic events are held at Morgantown Country Club.

2649. Spring Events at Morgantown Country Club, West Virginia University

Track is one of the games held at Morgantown County Club.

2650. Spring Events at Morgantown Country Club, West Virginia University

Students create floats of Giant thuse to celebrate the year's biggest parade held on Homecoming Weekend on eve of football game.

2651. Homecoming Parade Float, West Virginia University

2652. Physical Education, Gymnastics Class, West Virginia University