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Spangler subsequently became a member of the WVU faculty as a Professor of Biology

2761. West Virginia University Graduate Robert C. Spangler, Morgantown, W. Va.

From April 1936 Alumni Magazine. Harriet Eliza Lyon, a transfer student from Vassar College was WVU's first woman graduate. The only woman in the fourteen member Class of 1891, she won the honor of being valedictorian. Born in Fedonia, New York, she moved to Morgantown with her family in 1867 when her father, Franklin Smith Lyon, accepted a position as one of WVU's first professors. After graduating from the University, Harriet Lyon returned to Fredonia and married Franklin Jewett, a professor of science at the Fredonia Normal school. She raised four children and was active as a musician, singer, composer, and community leader. Harriet Lyon was a grandniece of Mary Lyon, the founder of Mt. Holyoke College.

2762. Portrait of Harriet Lyon

Harriet Lyon Jewett from a photo accompanying her April 1936 WVU Alumni reminiscence of life as one of WVU's first female students. Enlarged from Sallie Norris Showalter's copy of the WVU Alumni. Donor: Norris' grandaughter Sallie Showater Barnes.Harriet Eliza Lyon, a transfer student from Vassar College was WVU's first woman graduate. The only woman in the fourteen member Class of 1891, she won the honor of being valedictorian. Born in Fedonia, New York, she moved to Morgantown with her family in 1867 when her father, Franklin Smith Lyon, accepted a position as one of WVU's first professors. After graduating from the University, Harriet Lyon returned to Fredonia and married Franklin Jewett, a professor of science at the Fredonia Normal school. She raised four children and was active as a musician, singer, composer, and community leader. Harriet Lyon was a grandniece of Mary Lyon, the founder of Mt. Holyoke College.

2763. Portrait of Harriet Lyon, West Virginia University

Harriet Eliza Lyon, a transfer student from Vassar College was WVU's first woman graduate. The only woman in the fourteen member Class of 1891, she won the honor of being valedictorian. Born in Fedonia, New York, she moved to Morgantown with her family in 1867 when her father, Franklin Smith Lyon, accepted a position as one of WVU's first professors. After graduating from the University, Harriet Lyon returned to Fredonia and married Franklin Jewett, a professor of science at the Fredonia Normal school. She raised four children and was active as a musician, singer, composer, and community leader. Harriet Lyon was a grandniece of Mary Lyon, the founder of Mt. Holyoke College.

2764. Harriet Eliza Lyon as Teenager

Former WVU Professor Franklin Smith Lyon with three grandchildren - all children of Harriet Eliza "Hattie" Lyon Jewett.

2765. Professor Franklin Smith Lyon with Three Grandchildren

Age 16/17. Sallie Lowther Norris attended Glenville State Normal School before entering WVU. in 1889. Like her classmate and lifelong friend Harriet Lyon, she excelled in her studies, winning a freshman math prize. Norris spoke out frequently and eloquently on behalf of the right of women to a West Virginia University education and was a charter member of the Association of Collegiate Alumnae (now the AAUW) chapter in Fairmont. She raised four children of whom attended WVU, and provided essential assistance to her husband Judge Emmet Showalter, after illness left him partially disabled.

2766. Portrait of Sallie Norris

Sallie Lowther Norris attended Glenville State Normal School before entering WVU. in 1889. Like her classmate and lifelong friend Harriet Lyon, she excelled in her studies, winning a freshman math prize. Norris spoke out frequently and eloquently on behalf of the right of women to a WVU education and was a charter member of the Association of Collegiate Alumnae (now the AAUW) chapter in Fairmont. She raised four children of of whom attended WVU, and provided essential assistance to her husband Judge Emmet Showalter, after illness left him partially disabled.

2767. Portrait of Sallie Norris

Sallie Lowther Norris attended Glenville State Normal School before entering WVU. in 1889. Like her classmate and lifelong friend Harriet Lyon, she excelled in her studies, winning a freshman math prize. Norris spoke out frequently and eloquently on behalf of the right of women to a WVU education and was a charter member of the Association of Collegiate Alumnae (now the AAUW) chapter in Fairmont. She raised four children of of whom attended WVU, and provided essential assistance to her husband Judge Emmet Showalter, after illness left him partially disabled.

2768. Portrait of Sallie Norris

An 1884 graduate of Morgantown High School, Lillian May Hackney taught public school in Monongalia County for several years before entering WVU in 1889. Following her graduation from the University in 1893, she taught high school for one year in Cleveland, Ohio and then accepted a position as instructor of mathematics at Marshal Normal School in Huntington. Hackney remained at Marshall for 45 years. During the course of her lengthy career, she undertook additional work at Cornell, Columbia, the University of Chicago and the University of Marburg (Germany). She belonged to the AAUW as well as to several state and national mathematics associations.

2769. Portrait of Lillian Hackney

The daughter of WVU professor Powell Benton Reynolds, Richmond native Mabel Curry Reynolds worked her way through WVU by teaching in the Morgantown public schools. She was active in a wide variety of women's organizations during this course of her life, including the Women's League of West Virginia branch of the General Federation of Women's Clubs during the 1920's. In 1908 Reynolds married attorney Samuel Fuller Glasscock. The couple had no children.

2770. Portrait of Mabel Reynolds

E. Eva Hubbard was a graduate of Morgantown Female Seminary (1876). Early widowhood led her to pursue a career in art to support her child and mother. Hubbard taught in private studios and at home in Wheeling, Mountain Lake Park, Maryland and Morgantown, and was occasionally affiliated with the Morgantown public schools before accepting the position as instructor and becoming first head of WVU's new Department of Art in 1897. Her students found positions in the fine arts throughout the state's normal school system and one of them, Blanche Lazzell, became nationally know as a modernist. Lazzell kept in close touch with her mentor throughout her life. Before the 1950's both art and music suffered from being considered service units. During her career Hubbard disputed the subordination of the fine arts in the curriculum. When she unsuccessfully lobbied the Board of Regents in 1912 not to abolish the department, she noted that she had been underwriting the department with fees collected from occasional students, taught courses to engineers and showed considerable success producing fine artists. "The Department has supplied a need and I feel very deeply the wrong of tearing down the work of fifteen years of upbuilding." She reminded the Regents that the General Federation of Women's Clubs would be meeting in Morgantown in October and their help could be recruited in lobbying for continuance of the Department.

2771. Portrait of Eva Hubbard

Grace Martin Snee of Kingwood, W. V., taught music at WVU for over five decades. Before joining four other women as WVU's first female faculty, Mrs. Snee studied music at the prestigious New England Conservatory in Boston. She was very much involved in educating music teachers for public schools and played an important role as adviser to campus women's groups. Mrs. Snee was a founding member of the "RJ's" in 1908 and RJ spring parties were often held at her Cheat Lake cottage in the 1920's.

2772. Portrait of Grace Snee