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WVU student protest - "Death of Higher Education" and show unity by holding hands in a long line, in front of Mountainlair, in Morgantown, West Virginia.

2809. West Virginia University Student Protest, 'Death of Higher Education' On Campus, Morgantown, W. Va.

Sign reading "Honk for Higher Education" at the WVU Student Protest - "Death of Higher Education" in Morgantown, West Virginia.

2810. West Virginia University Students Protest, 'Death of Higher Education' With Fake Casket On Campus, Morgantown, W. Va.

A portrait of Lieutenant Easton who served in the 77th Division during World War I (1917-1918) and on General Pershing's staff during the Paris Peace Conference (1918-1919). Easton was a Professor of History at West Virginia University, 1938 to 1972.

2811. Lieutenant Jason Clark Easton, United States Army

Jason Clark Easton first served in the Seventy Seventh (77th) Division as a non-commissioned officer (sergeant) because of his compromised eyesight. He was eventually commissioned a lieutenant and assigned to General Pershing's staff during the Paris Peace talks. In 1938 Easton began a thirty five year career on the West Virginia University faculty as a Professor of History.

2812. Jason Clark Easton, United States Army

Ellison was a student-cadet at West Virginia University and the oldest son of John Z. and Harriet D. Ellison of Monroe County.

2813. Clarence Petrie Ellison, Morgantown, W. Va.

Daughter of John Z. and Harriet P. Ellison. Portrait taken while Clara was a student at WVU.

2814. Clara Ellison, West Virginia University Student from Monroe County, W. Va.

Hayes, show in here in dress uniform, was a 1891 graduate of West Virginia University. The print is a cabinet card portrait.

2815. Ulysses S. Grant Hayes, Morgantown, W. Va.

Portrait of Charles Alexander Ellison and Addison Dunlap Ellison. Both boys were West Virginia University cadets. The photo was believed to have been taken around 1895.

2816. West Virginia University Cadets

F.W. Muldoon was a student and a member of the WVU Corps of Cadets Band. Inscribed on the back of the photo is "Muldoon-a University friend"

2817. F.W. Muldoon, West Virginia University Student

Frank Tuckwiller was a student at West Virginia University around the turn of the century. Inscribed on the back of the photograph is "Frank Tuckwiller-a University friend"

2818. Graduation Portrait of Frank Tuckwiller, West Virginia University Student

Inscribed on the back of the photo is "L.A. Burns, a school man"

2819. L. A. Burns, West Virginia University Student

Portrait of a student, identified only as "Turner", who attended the University. On the back are the words "Turner-a University friend".

2820. Turner, West Virginia University Student