Search Results

Director Walter Mestrezat, WVU's first band director,  is second row center with trumpet.

49. Corps of Cadets Band, West Virginia University

The library shown in the picture was later the Administration Building and now is called Stewart Hall. Director Walter Mestrezat is in the center with a baton in his hand.

50. Corps of Cadets Band in Front of Library, West Virginia University

The library shown in the picture was later the Administration Building and now is called Stewart Hall. Director Walter Mestrezat is in the center with a baton in his hand.

51. Corps of Cadets Band in Front of Library, West Virginia University

The library shown in the picture was later the Administration Building and now is called Stewart Hall. Director Walter Mestrezat is in the center with a baton in his hand.

52. Corps of Cadets Band in Front of Library, West Virginia University

The library shown in the picture was later the Administration Building and now is called Stewart Hall. Director Walter Mestrezat is in the first row center with a baton in his hand.

53. Corps of Cadets Muster in front of Library, West Virginia University

54. Corps of Cadets Band in Front of Armory, West Virginia University

The University Cadet Corps with cannons in formation near Woodburn Circle.

55. Corps of Cadets Cannoneers

900 cadets in line.

56. Corps of Cadets Band in Parade, West Virginia University

'W. A. Mestrezat, Director'.

57. West Virginia University's Cadet Band, Morgantown, W. Va.

58. Corps of Cadets Muster in front of the Agricultural Experiment Station, West Virginia University

59. WVU Cadet Corps

60. Agricultural Experiment Station, WVU, Morgantown, W. Va.