Search Results

Photograph taken during the construction of the Ohio extension, part of Norfolk & Western Railroad. None of the individuals are identified.

13. Painter Creek Camp Meeting

Photograph taken during the construction on the Ohio Extension of the Norfolk & Western Railroad along the Tug Fork and Big Sandy Rivers. None of the family members are identified.

14. Jim Mounce & Family, Tug Fork River Area, W. Va.

Unidentified man sitting on top of a culvert. Several supports use to shape the culvert are lying in the foreground. This image is probably a pinpoint photograph.

15. Culvert on Ohio Extension of Norfolk & Western Railroad in Tug Fork River District, W. Va.

Unidentified engineers stand outside their icicle covered cabins with a team of oxen.

16. Civil Engineers at Norfolk & Western Railroad's Camp Eight, Tug District, W. Va.

Photograph taken of several unidentified civil engineers during the construction of the Ohio extension of the Norfolk & Western Railroad.

17. Engineers Hunting Trouble, Tug Fork River District, W. Va.

View of the Tug Fork River, looking from the Civil Engineers' Camp 6. The photograph was taken during the building of the Ohio extension of the Norfolk and Western Railroad.

18. Looking Down River From Camp 6, Tug Fork River District, W. Va.

Completed cut-roadbed for the Ohio extension of the Norfolk and Western Railroad.

19. Redrock Roadbed Complete, Tug Fork River District, W. Va.

Two unidentified civil engineers in camp during the construction of the Ohio extension of the Norfolk and Western Railroad.

20. 'Some of the Boys' in Camp, Tug Fork River District, W. Va.

Ned is probably the one sitting with Ran in his lap. The photograph was taken during the construction of the Ohio extension of the Norfolk and Western Railroad.

21. Ned & Ran, Tug Fork River District, W. Va.

Some of the engineers working on the Ohio extension of the Norfolk and Western Railroad. Left to Right: S. P. Daniel; J. Rapelje, W. A. Doane, J. B. Rohrer, S. S. Earle.

22. Group Portrait of Civil Engineers Crew, Tug Fork District, W. Va.

Cabins and structures on the far river bank, occupied by the Norfolk and Western railroad civil engineers during the construction of the Ohio extension.

23. Civil Engineers Camp 6 on Tug Fork River, W. Va.

The new extension was part of the Norfolk & Western Railroad.

24. Tunnel No. One of Ohio Extension, Tug Fork River District, W. Va.