Search Results

13273. After a Fire on German Street, Shepherdstown, W. Va.

A view of German Street in the Summer, looking West.

13274. German Street, Shepherdstown, W. Va.

13275. Traffic on U. S. 35, North Charleston, Kanawha County, W. Va.

'Kanawha Airport, Charleston, W. Va., Elevation 985 feet, Class 4; Northeast-Southwest Runway 5200 feet.  Northwest-Southeast Runway 4750 feet; More than 9,100,000 cubic yards rock and earth moved in its construction.  Four and one half miles highway distance from downtown Charleston.'

13276. Aerial View of Kanawha Airport, Charleston, W. Va.

'Kanawha Airport, Charleston, W. Va., Elevation 985 feet, Class 4; Northeast-Southwest Runway 5200 feet.  Northwest-Southeast Runway 4750 feet; More than 9,100,000 cubic yards rock and earth moved in its construction.  Four and one half miles highway distance from downtown Charleston.'

13277. Aerial View of Kanawha Airport, Charleston, W. Va.

13278. Traffic on McCorkle Avenue, U.S. 119, Charleston, W. Va.

13279. Traffic on Kanawha Boulevard, Alternate Route U.S. 21-60, Charleston, W. Va.

View of a house in Charleston, West Virginia from a postcard mailed to Mrs. Ira E. Robinson, Quarrier Street on December 16, 1909.

13280. Home in Charleston, W. Va.

13281. Young Girl on the Steps of a House in Charleston, W. Va.

13282. Davis Child Shelter, Charleston, W. Va.

'Charleston, West Virginia--$100 ham and bacon will be served at the Pioneer Breakfast on Statehood Day, June 20th, at the Rose City Cafeteria on Lee Street in Charleston. The State of West Virginia will be 100 years old on June 20th and the Centennial Commission hopes all citizens sharing the same birth date will join in the festivities planned for the breakfast. A full course breakfast will be served from 7 til 9 a.m. and there will be entertainment and prizes for the guests. Committee in charge includes, reading left to right, Bob Phillips and Juanita McCollam, co-chairmen of the event; Adj. General Gene Hall Williams and Grover Waybright, Jr. Both Mrs. McCollam and Adj. General Williams celebrate their birthdays on June 20th. Reservations may be made, or tickets for $1.00 purchased, from the Centennial Commission, 1608 Kanawha Boulevard, E. Charleston, West Virginia.'

13283. Pioneer Breakfast, Charleston, W. Va.

13284. Scenic View of Sherrard, Marshall County, W. Va.