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Man in a tuxedo with a man and a women in night clothes.

1405. Scene from a Student Production, West Virginia University

Women in Victorian clothing on stage next to a ornate carriage.

1406. Scene from a Student Production, West Virginia University

A scene from WVU drama production shows two female embracing one male in handcuffs.

1407. Student Actors in Costume, West Virginia University

1408. Student Actor in Peter Pan Style Costume, West Virginia University

'Forestry students of West Virginia University marking a white oak for cutting on the Meadow Creek Timber Management Area. Ranger Finney (left) gives technical advice to the students as they go through the area.'

1409. Foresters Mark a White Oak Tree in the Monongahela National Forest, West Virginia Univesrity

1410. Student Actor and Production Staff with Model of Set, West Virginia University

1411. Scene from Student Production of 'Mad Woman of Chaillot', West Virginia University

1412. Scene from the Opera 'Mikado' Performed by Students and Stafff of the School of Music, West Virginia University

1413. Students Voting in the Beauty Queen Election, West Virginia University

1414. Two Female Students Rehearsing for a Drama, West Virginia University

1415. Male Actor Strikes a Female Actor in Rehearsal for a Student Production, West Virginia University

1416. Cast Members from 'Brigadoon', West Virginia University