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Coal cars coming away from tipple.

4561. Sumerlee Coal Tipple

Two men walking away from either Cranberry or Summerlee tipple loading coal cars.

4562. Coal Tipple

Many coal cars loaded at the Summerlee Mine.

4563. Coal Cars at Summerlee Coal Tipple

Chesapeake and Ohio coal cars full of coal.

4564. Loaded Coal Cars at Summerlee or Cranberry

4565. Miner Walking on Tracks Between Coal Cars

Tipple filling coal car with large pieces of coal.

4566. Loaded Coal Car

Miner shoveling coal as it pours into a coal car.

4567. Loading Coal Cars

Group portrait of anthracite organizers of the P.M.W.A.  'Org- Dist - 9 - Pa. - Shamokin, Pa.'  From left to right, Fisher, O'Gara, Director Donohue, Koble.

4568. Progressive Mine Workers of America Anthracite Organizers, District 9, Shamokin, Pa.

Joe Ozanic (on right) and another man sitting in a cart at the Atlantic City Boardwalk. Joseph Ozanic was a Progressive Mine Workers of America Activist and Officer.

4569. Ozanic, Joseph (at right) at Atlantic City, New Jersey

Article reads:  'Building Service Employees Local No. 226' 'Since the chartering of our organization in August of 1940, the Building Service Employees Local No. 226 in Omaha has made considerable gains for its membership.  Our organization received wage increases of from 25% to 50% in this period of time.  In the past year we have expanded considerably.  We represent 99% of the custodial employees of the public schools, and now have contracts with the Omaha Steel Company for the guards, Skinner Manufacturing Company for all custodial employees, and the Alcohol Plant for guards.  We have been fighting for better conditions for the elevator operators in the city of Omaha, and for our organized elevator operators we have just recently received a directive from the War Labor Board authorizing a 10-cent an hour increase in their wages with retroactive back pay to May of 1943.  All of the members of Building Service Employees Local No. 226 have made substantial contributions to the war effort by purchasing more than their 10% quota of war bonds, by donating blood plasma to the Red Cross and by seeing their brother members and sons and daughters int he armed forces serving their country...'

4570. LaPage, V.Q. Secretary of the Omaha Central Labor Union

4571. PMWA Officers

Ceremony at Miners Cemetary, Mt. Olive, Illinois.  First row, left to right 1)- 4)Unknown; 5)August Schoppman, Mayor of Mt. Olive; 6)William Green, AFL President; 7)Joe Ozanic, PMW President; 8)Bill Kack, previous president, PMW Dist. 1; 9)John McCann, board member, PMA Dist. 1; 10)Unknown 11)Bill Compton, Vice Pres. Dist. 1.;  2nd row 1)Unknown; 2)Mike Engleman, Mt. Olive Miner; 3)George Simbger, miner and Virden Massacre Veteran; 4)Unknown; 5)Unknown; 6)Hansen, Mt. Olive miner; 7)Matt Yurkovich, Mt. Olive miner; 8)Nick Piluga, Mt. Olive miner; 9 Bush Miller, Mt. Olive miner.

4572. Ceremony at Mother Jones Monument, Miners Cemetery, Mt. Olive, Illinois