Search Results

13. ROTC Ceremony on the Athletic Field, West Virginia University

14. ROTC Officials Stand on a River Bank, West Virginia University

Seated, left to right:  S.E. Whitesides, 1st Lt. Inf., DOL; K.F. Hanst, Capt., Inf., DOL; H.H. Fletcher, Maj., Inf., DOL (PMS&T); R.M. McCutcheon, Capt., CE DOL; E.F. Adams, 1st Lt. Inf., DOL; Bill Browning, 2nd Lt., Inf-Res. Standing, left to right: Bill Fahy, 2nd. Lt., Inf-Res; L.F. Malone, 2nd Lt., Inf-Res; Louis Armentrout, 2nd Lt., Inf-Res; 1st Sgt. E.T. Schultz, DEML; Stf. Sgt. DM Beard, DEML; Stf. Sgt. H.M. Dearborn, DEML; Fred Goff, 2nd Lt., Inf-Res; Ira Steel, 2nd Lt., Eng-Res.

15. ROTC Officers in Front of Armory , West Virginia University

Major Dienna, Commanding Officer, US Army Arsenal, Schuylkiss, Philadelphia, Pa.

16. Major Daniel F. Dienna

Sentiment written on the photograph, "To dear Frances from her affectionate cousin, M. C. Buckey, Col. U.S, Army. June 3/1921"

17. Portrait of United States Army Colonel Mervyn C. Buckey

The artist and writer, also known as Porte Crayon, served in the Union Army.

18. Lieutenant Colonel David Hunter Strother during Civil War

Before the war Davidson was a preacher in Taylor County.

19. Union First Lieutenant John N. Davidson of Flemington, Taylor County, W. Va.

Davidson was a preacher before the war. According to F. A. Cather's diary, AM 3633, Davidson died in April 12, 1864, probably from disease. There is a revenue stamp on the back of the photograph indicating a tax had been paid on the image. This tax was implemented to pay for the war.

20. Union First Lieutenant John N. Davidson of Flemington, Taylor County, W. Va.

Colonel Ed Jones in uniform. Written on the photo: "To Mother my Princess, Your Son." Information on p. 143 in "Our Monongalia" by Connie Park Rice. Information with the photograph includes "Courtesy of Jack Ward Jr.".

21. Colonel Ed Jones of Morgantown, W. Va.

Center: US Army General Jonathan M. Wainwright, Commander of Allied Forces in the Philippines at the time of their surrender to Japan in 1942.  Wainwright was a POW, held by the Japanese until his liberation in August 1945.

22. United States Army General Jonathan M. Wainwright, San Francisco, Ca.