Search Results

'From left to right, front row: Cadet Lt. Colonel Paul W. Cole, Commander, Second Battalion; Miss Carol Dean, Logan, West Virginia; Cadet Colonel Alfred Ware, Commander, Cadet Regiment; Miss Dolores Jamison, Morgantown, West Virginia; Cadet Lt. Colonel William Aldrich, Commander, First Battalion; Miss Natalie Brooks, Morgantown; Cadet Captain James E. Price, Band Captain; Miss Marian Caso, Charleston, W. Va.; Back row: Cadet Captain Donald Siegrist, Commander, Co. A, 1st Bn.; Miss Mary Alice McLaughlin, Weston, W. Va.; Cadet Captain Doyle Smith, Commander, Co. B, 1st Bn.; Miss Adelaide Thieroff, Wheeling, W. Va.; Cadet Captain Bulan Thomas, Commander, Co. C, 1st Bn.; Miss Peggy Brown, Princeton, W. Va.; Cadet Captain James Quinn, Commander, Co. H, 2nd Bn.; Miss Phyllis Walker, Charleston, W. Va.; Cadet Captain Frederick Shafferman, Commander Co. G, 2nd Bn.; Miss Barbara Lou Shouldis, St. Marys, W. Va.; Cadet Captain Clem Wiechman, Commander, Co. E. 2nd Bn.; Miss Susan Ball, Hinton, W. Va.; Cadet Captain Ray Friant, Commander, Co. F, 2nd Bn.; Miss Nancy Cook, Charleston, W. Va.; Cadet Captain Richard Davis, Commander Co. D, 1st Bn.; Miss Barbara Shumaker, Morgantown, W. Va.'

13. Commanding Officers of the Cadet Regiment with Their Sponsors

'Left to Right, 1st Row; a. Chas. Tan Fleet - trumpet, 2. Harry Cartwright - alto, 3. Emmit Wheeler - snare drum, 4. Chas. Miller - clarinet, 5. Floyd Berry - trombone, 6. Harry S. Damron - trombone, 7. Homer Collins - 2nd row alto, 8. Homer Dodd - horn, 9. Frank Stanley - Bass Drum, 10. Cecil Stanley - Baritone, 11. Jay Beater - trumpet, 12. Lou Drawn - trumpet, 13. M. Schade - back row bass, 14. C. T. Merritt - Director, 15. Lee Davis - trumpet'

14. Members of a Military Band Seated in the Grass

'W. Va. Veterans of Foreign Wars and Auxiliary Members Present.'

15. West Virginia Cottage, Dedicated at Eaton Rapids, Michigan

16. Non-Commissioned Officers at the Base Hospital in the Administration Building

A photograph of a Guard unit lined up in a camp. 'Gen. Clarence L. Smith commanded the W. Va. Nat'l guard (father of C. E. Smith)'

17. Unit of West Virginia National Guard

18. Captain Smith's White Pine Reunion

19. Military Unit Marching Down Fifth Avenue, Between 12th and 13th Streets, Huntington, W. Va.

20. Military Unit Posing with a Publication in Hand

21. West Virginia National Guard

A photograph of the National Guard drilling in a field.

22. West Virginia National Guard

23. Members of the Fifth Regiment, U.S. Engineers, West Virginia University Contingent

A photograph of a crowd gathered in a field to watch a demonstration by troops.

24. Crowd Watching Demonstration by Troops