Search Results

53881. ROTC Cadets

53882. ROTC Honorary Initiates

53883. Military Ball, West Virginia University

53884. Military Ball, West Virginia University

53885. Mountaineer Field

West Virginia University Football team on their benches, accompanied by coaches, cheerleaders and the Mountaineer mascot. The band can be seen in the stands behind them.

53886. WVU Game Sidelines

53887. WVU Football Game, Morgantown, W. Va.

WVU ROTC in formation.

53888. ROTC Cadets in Parade

Back of photo reads: "R.O.T.C. Cadets Parade for President Chauncey Samuel Boucher and Lieutenant Colonel Leland Swarts Devore at West Virginia University, Morgantown, W. Va."

53889. R.O.T.C. Cadets in Parade, Morgantown, W. Va.

Back of photo reads: "R.O.T.C. Cadet Band in action at West Virginia University, Morgantown, W. Va."

53890. R.O.T.C. Cadet Band

The ROTC band presents in front of the WVU Armory building.

53891. ROTC Band, Armory Building, W. V. U.

Back of photo reads: "Miss Helen Baker reigned as Queen in a Rhododendron bower as Queen of the May at West Virginia University's annual festival which was a part of Greater West Virginia Week activities. She is a member of Alpha Xi Delta, a candidate for beauty queen, and a member of the university social committee. Bayard Young Photo, Chemistry Building, W. V. U., Morgantown, West Virginia"

53892. Helen Baker, Queen of the May, West Virginia University