Search Results

1. Portrait of a Boy with his Toys, Preston County, W. Va.

2. Portrait of a Boy with his Rifle, Preston County, W. Va.

Miller, marked on the photo with an "x", swims with his friends in the river.

3. C. Paul Miller and Friends Taking Swim in Cheat River near Tunnelton, W. Va.

4. Portrait of C. Paul Miller, Tunnelton, W. Va.

Three boys on the baseball team pose together for a group photo. Subjects unidentified.

5. Terra Alta High School Baseball Team Players, Terra Alta, W. Va.

Feathers, top, and Hanger, bottom, goof around in the high school parking lot.

6. Charles Feathers and Joe Hanger Palling Around at Terra Alta High School, Terra Alta, W. Va.

Cooper poses on top of the men's bathroom shack.

7. Paul Cooper Balancing on Men's Outhouse, Terra Alta, W. Va.

Cooper, left, and Feather, right, pose on top of the bathroom shack.

8. Paul Cooper and Charles Feather on Top of Terra Alta High School Outhouse, Terra Alta, W. Va.

In the first row, from left to right, is: Paul Cooper; Richard Fraley; Ronald Everly; Robert Harmon; Jack Hill.In the second row, from left to right, is: Don Groves; Frank Lambert; David Metheny; Clifford Lambert; Charles Glotfelty.In the third row, from left to right, is: Robert Feather (manager); Lawrence Smith; Eugene Auman; Arthur Sisler, Coach Fred C. Carrol.

9. Terra Alta High School Varisty Basketball Team, Terra Alta, W. Va.

Terra Alta High School students Paul Cooper, Richard Fraley, Clifford Lambert, and "Weed" Arthur Sisler pose together during a hunting trip.

10. Boys on a Hunt, Terra Alta, W. Va.

Terra Alta High School students Paul Cooper Jr. and "Weed" Arthur Sisler pose together with the rabbits they successfully hunetd.

11. Two Boys Hunting Rabbits, Terra Alta, W. Va.

Terra Alta High School student David Metheny poses for his school photo.

12. Portrait of David Metheny, Terra Alta, W. Va.