Search Results

U.S.S. West Virginia (BB-48) anchored in an unidentified location.

2545. U.S.S. West Virginia

Roessing, pictured at age 17, poses for a portrait in his ROTC uniform.  He was likely part of the ROTC at his high school or at West Virginia University, where he studied until 1935.  He transferred to West Virginia Wesleyan in 1935 and graduated in 1937.

2546. Charles Roessing in ROTC Uniform, Charleston, W. Va.

Anderson and his two associates pose with their rifles, showing off the dozens of rabbits brought back from a hunt.

2547. W. E. Anderson and Associates after Hunting Excursion, near Charleston, W. Va.

The rock is located near Dayton Vineyard. A group of people pose behind and on top of the rock.

2548. People Visiting Curious Rock, Spencer, W. Va.

A nurse holds a baby in each arm. On the right of the photograph, a child sleeps in a crib.

2549. Salvation Army Nursery, Charleston, W. Va.

A nurse checks on a patient. The photograph shows two patients in bed.

2550. Salvation Army Hospital, Charleston, W. Va.

Four women pose outside of a house. Two of the are in bathing suits. Subjects unidentified.

2551. Four Women, Charleston, W. Va.

Man identified as C. E. Wiseman poses with one pant leg pulled up, exposing his prosthetic leg.

2552. Man with Prosthetic Leg, Charleston, W. Va.

An unidentified man leans against the vehicle with his arm rested in the open window. The name on the envelope that this photograph's negative is contained in is labeled "Muriel Lanham."

2553. Man with Ambulance, Charleston, W. Va.

Duesenberry speaks to the horse as she walks it along a trail.

2554. Mrs. Duesenberry and Horse, Charleston, W. Va.

Three cabins sit to the left of an Esso gas station, located on West Virginia State Routes 33 and and 220.

2555. Esso Station and Cabins, Elkins, W. Va.

Men work in the service center garage of the Esso station, which is located next to Coffman's Hardware Store.

2556. Esso Station and Hardware Store, Elkins, W. Va.