Search Results

Family of Jason and Elmira (Harper) Harman, likely from Pendleton County.  Jason and Elmira married in 1894.

2665. Jason and Elmira (Harper) Harman Family

Peter Harper, son of Jacob Conrad Harper and Susan McDonald Harper.

2666. Peter Harper, Davis, W. Va.

Family of Peter Harper, likely from Pendleton County.

2667. Peter Harper and Family

See original for identification.

2668. Peter H. Harper and Family

Group photo, likely a reunion of the Jacob Conrad Harper family.

2669. Jacob Conrad Harper Family

Susan McDonald Harper, mother of 20 children.  She was born July 31, 1844, died December 23, 1933.

2670. Portrait of Susan McDonald Harper

Erma is third from the left in the second row.

2671. Erma Harper and School Group, Riverton, W. Va.

Three unidentified members of the Montoney family, likely from Pendleton County.

2672. Members of the Montoney Family

Young Hansel Monotney and cat.

2673. Hansel Montoney and Cat

Timberline, Tucker County, W. Va.

2674. Timberline Train Station

Loretta and Alice Harper (far right) with two unidentified people.

2675. Loretta and Alice Harper

2676. Portrait of Loretta Harper Daniels