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1621. Vietnam War Protester at West Virginia University

The march was from the Morgantown Post Office to the Mountainlair. On the far right is Stewart Fisk.

1622. Anti-Draft Demonstration on High Street, West Virginia University

Female with 'Stop the Draft' sign is Alice Bell.

1623. Anti-Draft Demonstration at Morgantown Post Office, West Virginia University

'Protest for better lighting, bus service, etc. after a series of rapes on campus.  Second from far left may be Janet Tintel.'

1624. Female Students Demonstrate for Better Security on Campus , West Virginia University

1625. Students with Peace Movement Banner, West Virginia University

Students marched from the Mountainlair to the U.S. Post Office

1626. Anti-Draft Demonstrators at the Top of High Street, West Virginia University

1627. Anti-War Activist Susan Young at a Protest Rally, West Virginia University

Winter 1969-1970.

1628. War Resisters League Marches against Death and the Vietnam War, West Virginia University

Anti-draft march beginning in front of the Mountainlair, marched to courthouse for rally.  Stewart Fist is making the peace sign.

1629. Anti-Draft Protesters, West Virginia University

1630. Face Painting on Peace Day, West Virginia University

Anti-draft march from Mountainlair to Court House square.  Protesters carrying signs.

1631. Anti-Draft Protesters, West Virginia University

March started at Mountainlair and went down to the Court House Square.

1632. Anti-Draft Protesters, West Virginia University