Search Results

The person clapping is Pat Samargo; and on the left with the mustache is Harry Shaw, an anti-war activist.

1633. Students Protest the State Road Commission and Arch Moore, West Virginia University

1634. Students Protesting in front of the Mountainlair, West Virginia University

1635. Student Booth for the Coaltion for Alternatives to Senator Robert Byrd, West Virginia University

'The man with the Flag is Arch McQueen, the police officer is Bill Hughes, and the man with the white shirt is Bob Wojcik.'

1636. Vietnam Moratorium Day March in Downtown Morgantown, West Virginia University

1637. Student Environmentalists Demonstrate on the Mountainlair Plaza, West Virginia University

On the left is Charlie Bockway.

1638. Students Urge Participation in Vietnam Moratorium Day, West Virginia University

1639. Student Protesters Listen to William Kunsler Inside Mountainlair, West Virginia University

1640. Vietnam Moratorium Day Protest in Courthouse Square, West Virginia University

Women protesting for better lighting on campus after a series of rapes.

1641. Women Students Demand Better Security on Campus, West Virginia University

From left to right in front: Tom Curtis, Rev. Michael Payne, and Berta Lambert (with microphone).

1642. Stump Speaking in front of Elizabeth Moore Hall, West Virginia University

1643. Protesters in Front of the Administration Building, West Virginia University

Stewart Fisk holding sign.

1644. Stewart Fisk in a Picket Line at the Morgantown Post Office Protesting Draft Registration, West Virginia University