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Miners' families with belongings in front of their former houses.

1. Union Miners Evicted by Liberty Fuel Company

'Foreground 2 of 3 buildings are still standing. White building is store owned by Pete, brother to Emmanuel (Mike) Viola (L. Birurakis, 1992/12/21). Mike Viola's garage is on the road on the left.'

2. Union Miners Evicted by Liberty Fuel Company

Union miners evicted by Liberty Fuel Co. 'White building on the right background was store where child lost hand to blasting cap-now site of post office. (L. Birurakis account 12/21/1992) Buildings on left still standing.'<br /><br />

3. Union Miners Evicted By Liberty Fuel Company

Miners and their belongings line the street below company houses.

4. Union Miners Evicted by Liberty Fuel Company