Search Results

Photos are from an album belonging to a member of the U.S.S. West Virginia.  William Wright, Radio Technician 2C, was on the ship from 1944-45 and saw action at Leyte Gulf, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa.

13. Rough Waters Aboard U.S.S. West Virginia

Photograph comes from a U.S.S. West Virginia scrapbook.

14. Naval Fleet Displaying Searchlights at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

The Japanese hit the "Wee Vee" with nine bombs and torpedoes during the attack. The U.S.S. Tennessee is moored on the right.

15. U.S.S. West Virginia Burning and Sinking after Pearl Harbor Attack, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

On the left, only the top deck and caged masts of the U.S.S. West Virginia can be seen. The U.S.S. West Virginia was hit with nine bombs and torpedoes total. In the center is the U.S.S. Arizona and on the right is the U.S.S. Tennessee. All ships are on fire.

16. U.S.S. West Virginia Sinking after Pearl Harbor Attack, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

Men on boats attempt to extinguish the fire on the U.S.S. West Virginia.

17. Crews Fighting Fires on U.S.S. West Virginia after Japanese Attack, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

The U.S.S. West Virginia looks battered and wounded while docked at the naval shipyard. The "Wee Vee" was hit by nine bombs and torpedoes by the Japanese warplanes during the December 7th attack.

18. Salvaging Operations aboard the U.S.S. West Virginia, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

Crew members during a salvage and repair operation work port side of the battered battleship. The U.S.S. West Virginia was hit by seven torpedoes and two bombs during the December 7th attack.

19. Gaping Wound on U.S.S. West Virginia, Pearl Harbor Naval Base, Hawaii

The photograph was taken at the beginning of the attack. The explosion seen in the center of the photograph is a torpedo that struck the U.S.S. West Virginia.

20. Aerial Photograph taken from Japanese Plane during Attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

An official U.S. Navy photograph. From left to right is the U.S.S. West Virginia, U.S.S. Tennessee, and the U.S.S. Arizona.

21. Burning and Damaged Ships After Japanese Attack, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

Smoke rises from the sinking battleship, which was hit by seven torpedoes and two bombs.

22. Damaged U.S.S. West Virginia after Japanese Attack, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

Smoke billows from the U.S.S. West Virginia, which is pictured in the back and center of the photograph. The ship eventually sank.Floating on the left is the U.S.S. Maryland. On the right is a capsized U.S.S. Oklahoma.

23. Damaged Battleships following Japanese Attack, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

Troops loaded into landing vehicles head for the beaches of Okinawa as part of the largest amphibious assault in the Pacific theater during World War II. The U.S.S. West Virginia is pictured in the background.

24. U.S.S. West Virginia Landing Vehicle Headed for Okinawa Beaches