Search Results

Left to right: Mr. Arkwright; Senator Bean of Moorefield; Delegate Pauley of McDowell County; and WVU President (1959-1961), Elvis Stahr.

817. West Virginia University President Elvis J. Stahr, Jr. (Right) with State Officials.

Seated, second from left, Clark Sleeth, rest unknown; Standing left to right, unknown, Eugene Staples, Albert Gilbert, and Leroy Miller.

818. Faculty Group Looking at Architectural Plans, West Virginia University

'Left to right: C.P. Dorsey (state 4-H club leader), Mrs. Mary Rose Jones (Assistant Professor of Home Economics, Chairperson Aids and Grants Committee, College of Agriculture Forestry and Home Economics), Dr. A.H. Van Landingham (Acting Dean, College of Agriculture and Forestry and Home Economics), G.W. Melvin (Representative, Esso Standard Oil Company, Morgantown, W.Va.), M.F. Kennedy (Representative, Esso Standard Oil Company, Fairmont, W.Va.), Edwin Townsend (Wood County, Senior, College Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics), John Wolfenbarger (Greenbrier County, Freshman, College of Agriculture, Forestry and Home Economics), J.O. Knapp (Director, Agricultural Extension Service, West Virginia University).'

819. Esso Scholarship Awards, West Virginia University

Left, Dean of Medicine Clark Sleeth; Center, Dr. Paul Dudley White; Right, Van Liere (former Dean). White is famous in the field of cardiology, and served as President Eisenhower's cardiologist after his heart attack. He appears to be holding a model or cast of a heart, and may have been invited here to speak.

820. Medical School Faculty, West Virginia University

L to R:  Dr. Morgan and unidentified student.

821. Dr. David Morgan, West Virginia University

Professor of Medicine, Nicholas W. Fugo(standing), Instructor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dr. Roy L. Butcher (sitting).

822. Medical School Faculty, West Virginia University

Cadet Col. Minney (left), and Col. Edwin Reynolds (right).

823. ROTC Faculty, West Virginia University

Left to right, George Kirk, Glenn Zinn, Milton Cohen, Ben Bailey, and John Harvey.

824. Faculty Group Portrait, West Virginia University

Left to right, O.E. Lancaster, Westinghouse Professor, Penn State; R.D. Fowler, WVU; C.A. Arents, Dean of College of Engineering, WVU.

825. Allegheny Section of American Society of Safety Engineers Representatives at West Virginia University

'James P. McGee, Right, Researcher Director, U.S. Bureau of Mines, introduces Chester A. Arents, Dean, College of Engineering, West Virginia University at George R. Strimberck`s Seminar Series, Morgantown Research Center, Collins Ferry Road. Dean Arent`s topic was 'Engineering and Society', an Analysis of the engineer`s role is solving the problems of society.'

826. Dean Chester Arents of West Viirginia University (Left) and James P. McGee (Right)

Chester A. Arents, center, Dean of West Virginia University`s College of Engineering, accepts a $3,000 check from D.C. York, right, President of Petroleum Industry Electrical Association, Charleston. Looking on is Ed Wallace of Consolidated Gas Supply Corporation, Clarksburg. The check will be used to establish an interest-free loan fund for qualified junior, senior, and graduate students in electrical engineering.

827. Loan Fund Established, West Virginia University

'James P. McGee, right, Research Director, U.S. Bureau of Mines, introduces Chester A. Arents, Dean, College of Engineering, West Virginia University at George R. Strimbeck`s Seminar Series, Morgantown Research Center, Collins Ferry Road. Dean Arents topic was "Engineering and Society", an analysis of the engineer`s role in solving the problems of society.

828. Dean Chester Arents of West Virginia University (Left) and James P. McGee (Right)