Search Results

1. Addison Dunlap Ellison, West Virginia University

Three WVU Cadets enjoy a feast of tins filled with food and biscuits. Addison Dunlap Ellison, left; Charles Alexander Ellison, right; Center, unknown'.

2. Closing Banquet of 19th Century, 'Be Ye Filled', West Virginia University, Morgantown, W. Va.

Portrait of Charles Alexander Ellison and Addison Dunlap Ellison. Both boys were West Virginia University cadets. The photo was believed to have been taken around 1895.

3. West Virginia University Cadets

'Drill field at WVU. Ellison in all white uniform'.

4. Addison Dunlap Ellison, West Virginia University

'The Beanery' at WVU poses on a front porch. Identified are: Charles Alexander Ellison, second row, second from right in uniform; Addison Dunlap Ellison, third row front right, in uniform, hand on his brother's shoulder.'

5. Members of The Beanery at West Virginia University, Morgantown, W. Va.