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Commencement Hall, Martin Hall, Woodburn Hall, Roof of Chitwood Hall and the Agricultural Experiment Station on the campus of West Virginia University.

1. Agricultural Experiment Station Garden and Nearby Buildings, West Virginia University

View of Martin Hall (left), Chitwood Hall-Science Hall (middle back), and Experimental Station (right). 'Reprinted from WVC negative by WVU Department of Radio, TV and Motion Pictures for WVU Centennial filmstrip.'

2. Agricultural Experiment Station and Woodburn Circle, West Virginia University

View of University Avenue at its intersection with College Avenue on the WVU Downtown campus.  Grumbein Island in center of street.  Martin Hall, Chitwood ('Science') Hall, and WVU Agricultural Experiment Station buildings visible.

3. Downtown Campus, West Virginia University

Grumbein Island, buildings through trees, Martin Hall, Science Hall, Experiment Station.'

4. Snowy Day on University Avenue, West Virginia University

5. Grounds and Some of the Buildings, West Virginia University

This view is from after 1893.

6. Woodburn Circle and Other Early Buildings, West Virginia University

7. Grounds and Some of the Buildings, West Virginia University

Buildings pictured are the experiment station, Administration, Martin Hall, and the corner of Science Hall.

8. University Avenue Looking South Toward Grumbein Island, WVU

9. Woodburn Circle, West Virginia University

'View of University grounds looking north from the Old Library. To the right is the Old Experiment Station, Science Hall in the middle, Martin Hall on the left.'

10. University Avenue, West Virginia University

Photos of Armory, Experiment Station and Science Hall together.

11. Armory, Experiment Station and Science Hall, West Virginia University

A view of Agricultural Experiment Station taken from Commencement Hall. Science (Chitwood)Hall visible in the background.

12. Agricultural Experiment Station, West Virginia University