Search Results

1. Hodges Hall, West Virginia University

Buildings pictured are Engineering II, Physics, President's Home, Administration, Law School, and Chemistry.

2. Downtown Campus, West Virginia University

Left to right- Reynolds Hall, Administration, Law School, President's home

3. University Avenue, West Virginia University

Front left: Engineering building II and  behind it is the Physics building.  Back left to right: President's home, Administration, Law School, Chemistry building.

4. Downtown Campus, West Virginia University

5. View of Downtown Campus from Westover, WVU

Buildings pictured are the Law Building, President's Home, and the library.

6. University Avenue, West Virginia University

7. View of Downtown Campus from Westover, WVU

8. View of Downtown Campus from Westover, WVU

A corner of Commencement Hall, Administration Building, Chemistry and Law School, possibly taken from Martin Hall.

9. Commencement Hall, Stewart Hall, and other Buildings on University Avenue, West Virginia University