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Information with the photograph,'(Cannon in front of Ex. Station) used for many years - fired at 6 AM to arouse students.'

1. Woodburn Circle With Cannon in Foreground, West Virginia University

'Rear view of Martin Hall and side of Woodburn Hall before wings were added - taken between 1876 and 1899.'

2. Martin Hall and Woodburn Hall, West Virginia University

'Cannon fired at six am.'

3. Woodburn Circle with Cannon in the Foreground, West Virginia University

"WVU cadets stand for inspection beside the new $4000 Armory built in 1873. University Ave had not been built yet so the white fence delineates Woodburn Circle. Martin Hall includes an entrance porch with a balcony.", as described in  "West Virginia University, Symbol of Unity in a Sectionalized State".

4. Cadet Cannoneers in Battery Formation in Woodburn Circle, West Virginia University