Search Results

25. James Clark McGrew Forquer, West Virginia University

26. Anthony Fielding McCue, Class of 1907, West Virginia University

27. Walter G. Lough, West Virginia University

28. Chester D. Kirkpatrick, Class of 1907, West Virginia University

Pictured: 'Cole, Brady, Davis, Summers, Heath, Law, Summers, Burrell, Johnson, Carter, Crampton, Harris, Green.'

29. Class of 1905, Storer College, Harpers Ferry, W. Va.

Portrait of John Zachariah Ellison (1840-1934).  Born in Jesse Ellison House, member of the Ellison-Dunlap family and served in the Confederate Army, Lowry's Battery (also called "Centerville Rifles"), during the Civil War.

30. John Zachariah Ellison of Monroe County, W. Va.

Top row from left to right: C. Osborn; W. Shinn; P. Kyle; D. Wells.  Bottom row from left to right: R. Jenkins; G. Osborn; C. Besterly; J. Coffman; R. Custer; F. Ruttencutt; G. Williams.

31. Clarksburg High School Football Squad

'Rhoda Brooks Fleming, just before her death in 1905.'

32. Rhoda Brooks Fleming

The old Bridgeport High school was located where Simpson Grade school is today.

33. Old High School, Bridgeport, W. Va.

The Methodist Episcopal church in shown in the background.

34. Workers at Old Pottery Factory, Bridgeport, W. Va.

'First locomotive with circular mill at Montes, W. Va. Used this mill to saw lumber for band mill. 1905.'

35. First Locomotive at Sawmill in Montes, W. Va.

A group portrait of musicians posed holding their instruments.

36. Brass Band , Cowen W. Va.