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Postcard photograph of Cowboy toddler John Brando

49. John Brando, Two Years Old

Fourth from the right is All-American Ira "Rat" Rodgers.

50. West Virginia University Football Team, Morgantown, W. Va.

Photo of the second built YMCA after the first was burned down December 3, 1911.

51. YMCA Building, Hinton, W. Va.

Row one: Frank Honaker, Pearl Young, Ethel Honaker, Eliaweise Barton, Bessie Cook, Ula Young, Lottie Smith. Row two: Bill Honaker, Dempsey Webb, Ira Webb, Homer Cook, Dewey Young, Opie Honaker, Jerk Cook. Row three: June Young, Loran Young, Opie Honaker, Fred McCuchin (Teacher), Wayne Cook, Mary Haynes, Grace Webb, Clara Mize. Row four: Elmon Haynes, Cecil Young, Julius Webb, Bob Webb, T. A. (Tom) Honaker

52. Dunn School, Bertha, W. Va.

Pettrey, left, is pictured with his step son, Houston Cook.

53. Lou Pettrey and Step Son at River Ridge near Hinton, W. Va.

The football players pose together for a team photo.In the back row, from left to right, is unidentified; unidentified Coach Tobin; unidentified;  Coach McIntyre; Manager Sherr; and unidentified.In the fourth row, from left to right is unidentified; player Brooks, Fred Mills ('20); unidentified; unidentified; unidentified; quarterback Charles L. Lewis ('20); and pplayer Webster.In the third row, from left to right, is unidentified; tackle Joseph V. Harrick ('21); guard John B. McCue ('21); Captain Russell Bailey holding the ball('19); player Harris; unidentified; and halfback Andrew 'Rip King.In the second row is guard Russel D. Meredith ('21); player Curry; unidentified; tackle Frank Ice ('18); unidentified; unidentified; player Wagner; unidentified.In the front row from left to right is player Rhodes; halfback J. Howard Lentz ('20); unidentified; unidentified; unidentified; unidentified; unidentified.

54. West Virginia University Football Team, Morgantown, W. Va.

The West Virginia National Guard drills in Parkersburg, W. Va. during World War I.

55. National Guard, Parkersburg W. Va.

West Virginia National Guard members marching during drills in Parkersburg, W. Va.

56. National Guard, Parkersburg, W. Va.

Members of the West Virginia National Guard drill in Parkersburg, W. Va.

57. National Guard, Parkersburg, W. Va.

A woman poses on the grass beneath a sign asking passersby to "Stop at City Auto Company Garage, 444 Chestnut Street, Morgantown" for "auto supplies."

58. Advertisement on a Billboard, Morgantown, W. Va.

Cunningham, Assistant Home Demonstration agent, instructing a club girl how to pack her exhibit to bring in to the fair without breaking.

59. Miss Ellie Cunningham, 4-H Club, Kanawha County, W. Va.

Elijah stands in his plot of corn, who "had one of the best acres of corn in West Virginia in 1916. He was careful at every step."

60. Elijah Clovis, West Virginia Corn Farmer