Search Results

Unidentified officials and freemasons among the people involved in the ceremony.

25. Laying Cornerstone of Harrison County Courthouse, Clarksburg, W. Va.

26. Calhoun County High School Senior Class, Grantsville, W. Va.

None of the subjects are identified.

27. Group Portrait of Local Baseball Team, Marion or Harrison County, W. Va.

Clel Judy lived on the western slope of Spruce Knob along Seneca Creek. The immediate area is named Judy Springs after Clel Judy. This image was taken at Soloman Chapel at Judy Gap.

28. Clel Judy and Jackson White, Judy Gap, Pendleton County, W. Va.

29. Sortet, WVU Football Player, End Position

Print number 811.

30. Coca Cola Baseball Team Champions, Morgantown, W. Va.

Print number 968.

31. Thomas Cleaning Plant on Corner of Chestnut and Moreland Streets, Morgantown, W. Va.

Print number 23. Standing (from left to right): Schrader, student manager; Parriott, Baker, Gerringer, Riley, Coach Stadsvold. Seated (from left to right): Sortet, Cubbons, Bartrug, Captain Plaster, Doyle, Weiner.

32. West Virginia University Basketball Team

A large crowd of sightseers pose at a garage where two women and three children were murdered by Harry Powers. Powers was convicted and executed for the killings.

33. Crowd at Murder Scene, Quiet Dell, Harrison County, W. Va.

Serial killer Harry Powers hid the bodies of his victims: Asta Eicher, her children and Dorothy Lemke in this ditch on his own property. He was convicted and hanged on March 18, 1932 before he could commit any further murders, of which he had seemingly planned to do after hearing back from several other women who replied to his ads in Lonely Hearts Magazine.

34. Man Underneath Structure Along Ditch at Murder Scene, Quiet Dell, Harrison County, W. Va.

Charles wears the clothing of his recently deceased grandfather, William Alexander Wood. In the forefront of the photograph is the family dog, "Old Shep".

35. Charles P. Wood Pictured in Grandfather's Clothes near Warford, W. Va.

Leander Sylvanious Smith and Niranda Elizabeth Hamilton Smith are pictured on their 50th wedding anniversary. They are the parents of Ora Mae Smith Stephens, who married Leaman Clark Stephens and mothered Eschol Lee Stephens.

36. Leander and Niranda Smith at their Home, Prunty, W. Va.