Search Results

Front row, from left to right, is unknown, John Plumley, D. J. Via, E. B. Moten, W. M. Harvey, unknown, and Mr. Stewart.Second row, from left to right is Ed Adkins, B. P. Roye, unknown, unknown, Whitey Stoddard, and Joe Allen.

49. Sheet Metal Workers, Hinton, W. Va.

Margarette Cynthia Smith with granddaughters Pat Smith and Kay Trail.

50. Margarette C. Smith and Granddaughters at an Unidentified Location in W. Va.

In the front is Bill Boyd; Don Maddy; Charlie Bill Bailey; Glen Richardson; and Elmer Schaffer. In the back is Reggie Harris; Jim Nelson; Alvin Garten; and Tommy Thompson.

51. Talcott High School Baseball Team at Lowell Field, Summers County, W. Va.

In the front row, seated, is Bill Boyd; donny Maddy; Bill Bailey; Glen Richardson; Elmer Schaffer. Standing in the back is Reginald Harris; Jim Nelson; Alvin Garten; Tommy Thompson.

52. Talcott High School Baseball Team in Lowell, W. Va.

The two churches of different denominations stand next to each other on a hill above a covered bridge. West Warren Baptist is on the left, Wadestown Methodist is in the middle, and in the lower right of the image is the covered bridge.

53. West Warren Baptist Church and Wadestown Methodist Church, Battelle District, Monongalia County, W. Va.

An unidentified woman is sewing fabric at a table.

54. Home Demonstration Agents Sewing at Jackson's Mill State 4-H Camp, Lewis County, W. Va.

Members of the Future Farmers of America, or F. F. A., pose together for a photo. Subjects unidentified.

55. Future Farmers of America (FFA) Group Photo

A group of men and women examine vegetables laid out on tables. Subjects unidentified.

56. Vegetable Judging Participants in an Unidentified Location