Search Results

Picture of the Y.M.W. luncheon which took place at the Memorial Building in Kimball, McDowell County, Monday, March 27th, 1950 at 1 o'clock. The luncheon was free and the purpose of the meeting was to discuss plans for organizing Older Youth Groups. The age limits for YMW club membership was approximately 18 to 30. Married and unmarried young people are eligible. In every community there was a need for a program to bridge the gap between organized junior programs and the homemakers program and to include both men and women.

1. African-American Extension Workers at a Y.M.W. Luncheon in Kimball, McDowell County, W. Va.

Exterior view of the tobacco barn constructed by Mr. A. C. Curry in Lincoln County. 'Narrow Ventilation doors which were opened in the front of the barn for this picture are located on all four sides of the barn. The barn is 50 feet wide, 60 feet long and 41 feet to the roof at the center of the barn.'

2. Tobacco Barn in Lincoln County