Search Results

Two girls watch as their instructor demonstrates proper stitching technique. Subjects unidentified.

1. Sewing Demonstration during Home Economics Course at Jackson's Mill State 4-H Camp, Lewis County, W. Va.

Instructors demonstrate how to properly sew with Singer sewing machines. Subjects unidentified.

2. Home Economics Class at Jackson's Mill State 4-H Camp, Lewis County, W. Va.

A closer look at the home economics display, put together by the "lightening" group.

3. Close-Up View of Home Economics Display at Jackson's Mill State 4-H Camp, Lewis County, W. Va.

A group of women pose outside of the building. Subjects unidentified.

4. Home Economics Group at Jackson's Mill State 4-H Camp, Lewis County, W. Va.

A group of women observe while two other women demonstrate how to clean carpets using an electric vacuum.

5. Women Demonstrate How to Use Electric Vacuums at State 4-H Camp, Jackson's Mill, W. Va.

A group of women observe as another women demonstrates how to use a vacuum cleaner. Subjects unidentified.

6. Demonstration of Electrical Appliances at Jackson's Mill State 4-H Camp, Lewis County, W. Va.

A group of women watch as a woman demonstrates how to remove a stain from a place mat. Subjects unidentified.

7. Women at Home Economics Demonstration, Jackson's Mill, W. Va.

A woman presents vacuum cleaners to a group of women. Subjects unidentified.

8. Home Economics Demonstration at Jackson's Mill State 4-H Camp, Lewis County, W. Va.

A group of women practice cleaning with vacuum cleaning machines. Subjects unidentified.

9. Women Experiment with Vacuum Cleaners during Demonstration of Electrical Appliances, Jackson's Mill, W. Va.

Women observe as a woman demonstrates how to remove a stain from a cloth mat. Subjects unidentified.

10. Home Economics Demonstration, Jackson's Mill, W. Va.