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'William Hornsby, 87 years old Gallipolis, Ohio--Eureka Star Route; 3rd Dist. V.P. of W. Va. SFL--Elected at 1903, Conv. in Huntington.'

1. William Hornsby, Gallipolis, Ohio

'William Hornsby (center) being interviewed by Rene Zabeau (left) and Glen Armstrong, Educ. Dir. W. Va. SFL.'

2. Rene Zabeau, William Hornsby, and Glen Armstrong, West Virginia State Federation of Labor

"Merger Agreement Signed- Culminating months of negotiations between W. Va State Federation of Labor (A.F.L) and the W. Va State Industrial Union Council (C.I.O), representatives of both groups formally sign an agreement on September 24, 1957 which paved the way for the merger convention on November 22, 1957. Shown (seated, left to right) are Benjamin W. Skeen, S.F.L secretary-treasurer; E. A. Carter, S.F.L president; Oscar L. Davis, I.U.C president and Miles C. Stanley, I.U.C secretary treasurer;(standing, left to right) Rene V. Zabeau and James Q. Papas, S.F.L vice-presidents; Rezin Hudkins, John Lambert and Charles Hess, I.U.C vice-presidents."

3. Merger Committee of A.F.L and C.I.O Signs Agreement

Former Vice President of Federation, Charleston City Building Inspector, 1957.

4. William Kirk of Charleston, W. Va.

Replaced Richard Kennett, who resigned April 15, 1957.

5. Harry Howell, Second District Vice President