Search Results

13. Aerial View of North of Addison Run, Ritchie County, W. Va.

'O. Homer Floyd Fansler, Hendricks, W. Va.' is written on the back of the photo.

14. Fairfax Stone, Tucker County, W. Va.

15. Hillarity Club Camp in Cheat Mountains, Monongalia County, W. Va.

"Cheat River, looking up the river from the mountain side above the old Hilarity Club House.  So much of River as is shown is now flooded by the State Line Dam.  Taken about 1880 or shortly thereafter--Note the style of clothing and facial adornment.  Property of Jas. R. Moreland'

16. Cheat River looking up from Old Hilarity Club House, Monongalia County, W. Va.

17. Woodburn Hall, West Virginia University

'L.R. Fifes Cottage, Experiment Station, Martin Hall, & Woodburn Hall.'

18. Etching of Woodburn Circle, West Virginia University

Served in 20th Virginia Calvary.  He was also president of Wells Fargo Company 1902-1910.

19. Colonel Dudley Evans of Morgantown, W. Va.

The suspension bridge was burned partly by the Confederates in the Civil War.

20. Suspension Bridge and Morgantown Viewed from Across the Monongahela River

"Halfway point between Cowen and Webster people would board at this house."

21. Residents in front of a Boarding House at Halfway Point between Cowen and Webster, W. Va.

Son of Jerimiah H. and Charlotte Robey.

22. Portrait of John P. Robey, Eagle, Harrison, W. Va.

Likely with a group of students from Upshur Buchannon Normal School/ Classical Academy.

23. Melville Davisson Post, W. Va.

A poet and lawyer from Jefferson County's Shenandoah Valley, Daniel B. Lucas led the fight against coeducation which he considered to be a "Yankee" notion. As Democratic Floor Leader of the State House and member of the Board of Regents, he contributed heavily to the defeat of legislative attempts to sanction coeducation in the early 1880s.

24. Portrait of Daniel B. Lucas, Jefferson County, W. Va.