Search Results

25. Guests on the Hotel Lawn at Red Sulphur Springs, Monroe County, W. Va.

26. Gazebo at Red Sulphur Springs, Monroe County, W. Va.

27. Partial View of the Lawn at Red Sulphur Springs, Monroe County, W. Va.

28. Tourists on a Bridge at Red Sulphur Springs, Monroe County, W. Va.

29. Hotel at Red Sulphur Springs, Monroe County, W. Va.

30. Guests on the Lawn at Red Sulphur Springs, Monroe County, W. Va.

31. Broaddus College in Philippi, W. Va.

These could possibly be students of Sheets Mill School.

32. Students at Snake Rocks at West Milford, W. Va.

33. Portrait of an Unidentified Football Team

Portrait of the Ferguson family, likely taken in Montana.  Blanche, the mother, was born in West Virginia.Back row Left to Right:George Jr.,  George, and BlancheFront Row Left to Right:Margaret, D. Meigs , and Stewart

34. Ferguson Family

35. Group Photo near Train Tracks, Colfax, W. Va.

Boy pictured in center inside heart with quotes surrounding: "All Happiness to you," "Far from thee be every care," "Hope sustain thee ever," and "Have kindly thoughts of me."

36. Boy in Valentine