Search Results

Front Row, from left to right: Christy, Waddell. Second Row Back, from left to right: Brown, Willey, Dickey, Dawson, Stathers, Lowe. Third Row Back, from left to right: Miller, Cato, Cushwa, Lardin, Bowman, Porterfield. Back Row, from left to right: Robinson, Hughes, Long, Morris, Shaffer, Charter.

337. Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity Members, West Virginia University

Back Row, from left to right: Derbyshire, Maxwell, Shuttleworth, Alexander, Miller, Whitham. Second Row, from left to right: McWhorter, Capito, Smith, Yoho, Frankenberger, Yeager. Front Three, from left to right: Garrison, Peck, Schissler.

338. Sigma Chi Fraternity Members, West Virginia University

Back Row, from left to right: Dent, McDonald, Moreland, Richards, Halleck, Duvall, Trapnell. Middle Row, from left to right: McGlumphy, Snee, Bondurant, Poe, Dille. Front Row, from left to right: Gardiner, Brooke, Brown.

339. Kappa Alpha Fraternity Members, West Virginia University

Standing in back is Rhoades; front row, from left to right: Butler, Collett, Dent, Burgess, McBride.

340. Mu Pi Lambda Fraternity Members, West Virginia University

Back Row, from left to right: Williams, Thompson, Kunst, McCoy, Meredith, Morris, Garrison. Second Row From Back, from left to right: Lang, White, Wooddell, E.B. Stewart, Neely, D.M. Willis, South, Smith. Third Row From Back, from left to right: Hill, T.D.B. Stewart, Coleman, Gore, Maxwell, Lively, Easily, Frazer. Front Row, from left to right: Bowman, Daily, Randolf, Boyers, Marten.

341. Phi Sigma Kappa Fraternity Members, West Virginia University

Back Row, left to right: Eakin; S.M. Scott, Jr.; Crossland; Lemen; Lewis; Boyd. Middle Row, left to right: Cole, Leonard, Smith, Conaway, B.F. Scott. Front Row, left to right: Moore, McCrum, Downey.

342. Phi Kappa Sigma Fraternity Members, West Virginia University

343. Martin Hall and Woodburn Hall, West Virginia University

344. Group Seated on Logs, Construction Underway Nearby

345. Boy with Pony Drawn Wagon

Independence Hall, where the Continental Congress voted in favor of independence July 2, 1776 and the finalized document was dated July 4, 1776. The structure was built in 1726.

346. Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pa.

347. Scenery Along Baltimore and Ohio Railroad near Rowlesburg, Preston County, W. Va.

348. Transporting a Locomotive, Grafton, W.Va.