Search Results

25. Grand Army of the Republic Reunion of Reg. 101-103, Parading Down the Street, Foxburg, Pa.

The butcher shop belonged to Clemons Jackson who is pictured in the center of the three people shown.  The young woman pictured is Jackson's daughter, Amanda Jackson, who died shortly after this photograph was taken.  The young man in the image is unidentified.

26. Butcher Shop, Foxburg, Pa.

27. Garden and Orchard at James Edwin Green's Home, Foxburg, Pa.

28. Jeanette and Gladys Green Valentines Day Card, Foxburg, Pa.

29. Front Yard and Garden of the James Edwin Green Home, Foxburg, Pa.

30. Workers in Hole at Excavation Site, Foxburg, Pa.

31. Green Family Receiving Mail-Order Groceries, Foxburg, Pa.

Members of the Green family pose at an outdoor dining table during a meal.  The covering on the table is sheets of newspaper.

32. Green Family Banquet, Likely in Foxburg, Pa.

Four women stand in front of two boys and an older man, perhaps their professor. Each student holds a diploma.

33. Likely High School Graduates of Foxburg, Pa.