Search Results

433. King Motor Cars, Traders Alley, Clarksburg, W. Va.

434. Delivery Men in S. O. Watkins and Company Truck, Lewis County, W. Va.

435. Coleman Meriwether of Kentucky

Two boys with arms on each other's shoulders near water.

436. Two Boys, Clarksburg, W. Va.

'Killed at Boomer, W. Va., 10/17/11'

437. Elias Hatfield

'Killed at Boomer, W. Va., 10/17/11'

438. Troy Hatfield

'Helen Quarrier Miller, Caroline Brooks Ward, Margaret Fleming Ward at Oak Hall their Grandfather's summer home in Oakland, Md.'

439. Fleming Grandchildren at Oak Hall

'2/17/1897 - ?; m. Amos Frances Hutchins'

440. Helen Quarrier Miller

441. William (?) H. (?) Seaman (?)

442. Bird's Eye View of Webster Springs, W. Va.

443. Horses Pulling Rail Cars Loaded with Logs, Webster County, W. Va.

444. Loggers and Teamsters with their Horses, Webster County, W. Va.