Search Results

Front view of Roane County Hospital with people standing outside.

301. Roane County Hospital, Spencer, W. Va.

302. Road Crew in Pendleton County, W. Va.

Upper Reed's Creek School:  Front Row Left to Right: Earnest Headrick (teacher), Unknown, Beula Smith, Elmer Smith, Edith Smith, Ima Headrick, Mat Hammer, Luna (Smith) Ruddle - Second Row Left to Right: Joe Bodkin, _____ Thompson, Arnold Smith, Verna Simmons, Elva Waggy, Nettie Waggy, unknown, ____ Headrick, Ose Smith - Back Row Left to Right: Otha Simmons, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, Ed Simmons, Minnie Smith, unknown

303. Upper Reed's Creek School, Pendleton County, W. Va.

Group Photo-Ruddle School.  Front Row left to right: Ella Hedrick, Emma Smith, Eva Hedrick, Maggy Pennington, Betty Wimer, Ola Hedrick, Clarence Hedrick, Garnet Hedrick, Neal Hedrick, Lester Hammer, Roy Hedrick.  Standing left to right: Ana Davis (teacher), Fanny Hedrick, Jessie Hammer, Floyd Ruddle, Aud Ruddle, Fred Hedrick, Olin Hammer, Elmer Hedrick, Walter Hammer, Oscar Hedrick, Ernest Ruddle, Preston Ruddle, Fred Hammer, Luther Hammer, Leon Wimmer.

304. Class Photo Ruddle School, Pendleton County, W. Va.

Pictured left to right:  W.C. Miller, Mrs. W.C. Miller, {John Miller, Merle Miller, Kate Miller}-one family, {Ruth Coffman (Hettinger), Tom Coffman}-Children of Cassie Coffman, Uncle Clem Miller, Aunt Sadie Miller (Boggs).  On porch:  Ed Miller, Mary Miller, Stanley Miller.

305. Family Portrait in front of William C. Miller Home after Remodeling, Pendleton County, W. Va.

306. Ralph Kann Saloon and Restaurant, Raleigh County, W. Va.

Pictured 4th from right: Walter Hammer.  Pictured 5th from right: Ernest Hedrick.

307. Staged Fight, Pendleton County, W. Va.

Men standing from left to right- Glenn Keister, Eugene Keister, Oscar Hedrick, John Preston Ruddle.

308. Planing Lumber for Eugene Keister Company, Pendleton County, W. Va.

Taken in long field on S. M. Conrad farm at Ruddle.  From left to right- Sam Harper, Foster Hendrick, Jud Ruddle, John Preston Ruddle, Baxton Harper, Leon Wimer.  In the main tournament, Foster Hendrick placed first, Preston Ruddle second, and Jud Ruddle third.  For graceful riding Baxton Harper got first badge, Preston Ruddle second, Sam Harper third, and Jud Ruddle fourth.  Foster Hendrick crowned Miss Fannie Dahmer queen of love and beauty.  Preston Ruddle crowned Miss Clara Ruddle first maid.  Jud Ruddle crowned Miss Jessie Painter second maid.  Baxton Harper crowned Miss Virgil Judy third maid.  Sam Harper crowned Miss Estella Evick fourth maid.  The day ended with a dinner given by S. M. Conrad.

309. Horsemen at an Event in Ruddle, Pendleton County, W. Va.

310. Hinton Hospital, Summers County, W. Va.

Aileen Burke was the teacher.

311. Class Photo Old Avis School, Summers County, W. Va.

312. Loading Logs at Glenray Lumber Company, Summers County, W. Va.